Salam Houch is the coordinator of all the emergency relief responses and humanitarian programs at FDCD (food distribution, livelihood, winterization, WASH). In addition to the desk work, Salam gets hands-on in the field leading FDCD’s team in Syria, building new partnerships and strengthening existing ones with local and international donors and partners.
Coming from a business psychology background and having worked for 8 years as a human resources manager in Dubai, Salam gives special attention to mental health. He develops self-care capacity building workshops for staff and volunteers and has created FDCD’s PSS manual in 2021 with the help of psychosocial experts.
Moreover, Salam works relentlessly on advocating for gender equity and minorities’ rights in all the programs he oversees. With the support of experts in the field, he developed new tools and procedures to identify, prevent and report on GBV and sexual harassment and assault.